All county entries are eligible to enter. ( Nez Perce, Latah, Columbia, etc…). Just bring them to the Asotin County Fairgrounds exhibit halls on the entry days listed below.
Open Class Exhibits: All entries must be brought to Asotin County Fairgrounds. Points allowed: Blue – 100, Red – 75, White – 50
Open class exhibits are organized into three age divisions. Age of exhibitor determined as of January 1, 2025 (of the current year): Open Class: Juniors-(exhibitor 12-yrs and under), Open Class: Teens-(exhibitor ages 13 – 18 yrs.), & Open Class: Adults-(19yrs & Over, includes Senior Citizens). Please choose the correct age division in the Department Name that corresponds with the correct exhibitor age division.
NO PRE-ENTRY for Open Class. Sticker ribbons will be displayed in some exhibit areas. Exhibitors may request ribbons at pick-up time. Ribbons will be displayed on exhibits in some exhibit areas. Pick-up Exhibits on the Monday after the fair from 3pm-7pm, Please park in the back parking lot.
No entries will be accepted after the designated time listed in the Fair Events Schedule. NO PREMIUMS WILL BE PAID OR AWARDS GIVEN for exhibits removed from the fairgrounds prior to Monday after the fair. THE FAIR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, OR INJURY TO PROPERTY , INCLUDING EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYED AWARDS WHILE ON THE GROUNDS OR AT ANY OTHER TIME OR PLACE.
Open Class Livestock: Points allowed: Blue – 100, Red – 75, White – 50
ENTER ON THURSDAY OF FAIR WEEK BETWEEN 12PM-6PM AT THE BARNS, Check in with the Superintendent. Poultry, Sheep, Rabbits, Goats, Beef, & Swine
Poultry-Entries will be evaluated according to the American Standard of Perfection. Entries will be disqualified for deformities, for characteristics which are detrimental to the vigor and vitality of the specimen, for reasons that contribute to lack of breed character and for removing parts of the bird, such as clipping wings in all breeds of chickens, turkeys, and most waterfowl. The superintendent shall have the right to refuse entry to the showroom or to remove from the same, diseased, or unsightly animals. Birds shown in a pen cannot be shown as singles. Top of Division will be awarded.
Open Class Foods, Decorated Cakes & Baked Goods: Enter exhibits Wednesday of fair week, 3pm-7pm at Floch Hall. Limited to 1-Entry per Class Per Division. Points allowed: Blue – 100, Red – 75, White – 50
Articles must be made by the exhibitor, completed within the year, and not exhibited previously at the Asotin County Fair. Articles soiled, showing wear, or not deemed worthy will not be accepted. No entries will be accepted after the designated time listed in the Fair Events Schedule. NO PREMIUMS WILL BE PAID OR AWARDS GIVEN for exhibits removed from the fairgrounds prior to Monday right after fair. Sticker ribbons will be displayed in some exhibit areas. Exhibitors may request ribbons at pick-up time. Ribbons will be displayed on exhibits in some exhibit areas. Pick-up Exhibits on the Monday after fair, from 3pm-7pm, Please use back parking lot. Please specify if foods contain peanut products. Entries must be on white paper plate only, in a Ziploc bag. Plates must be no larger than 9”. No box mixes allowed. Any item needing refrigeration will not be accepted . THE FAIR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, OR INJURY TO PROPERTY, INCLUDING EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYED AWARDS, WHILE ON THE GROUNDS OR AT ANY OTHER TIME OR PLACE.
SPECIAL AWARDS: Food Preservation Awards for Best Fruit, Vegetable, Pickle, & Jam.
SPECIAL CANNING AWARDS: Wilson’s Banner Ranch will award one (1) $25 gift certificate for Top of Class and two (2) $10 gift certificates to the remaining age groups the best in the Fruit Class and the Vegetable Class. Certificates are redeemable for fresh fruit at Wilson’s Banner Ranch, Silcott.
WHEAT AWARDS: The Washington Association of Wheat Growers will award a rosette and cookbook or CD to the Top Adult and Top Youth entry in Yeast Breads. The second-place entries will receive a cookbook or CD.
APPLE PIE CONTEST: Enter the Wednesday of fair week from 3pm-7pm at Floch Hall OR Thursday of fair week from 8am– 11am at Floch Hall. Must be homemade; may use one or two crusts. Primary filling must be apples, with no creams in the filling. Enter a whole, uncut pie in 8” or 9” disposable aluminum pie tin. Winners are not eligible to receive an award more than two years in a row or more than twice in a four-year period. Plaques will be awarded in each age group.
Open Class Foods, Produce, & Baked Goods:
Division 822C: Open Class Vegetables-Adults & Senior Citizens Age Group